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3 Web Design Mistakes Hindering Your SEO Growth

by | Oct 26, 2020 | Design, Online Branding, Web Hosting, Wordpress

Search engine optimisation is the powerhouse of various brands all over the world, mainly because it’s the perfect formula needed to attain brand visibility. It’s also a key element of web design, as SEO is deemed as the art and science of website ranking, enabling you to appear on the top search results.

Most SEO campaigns are specially designed to help your website appear on the top results pages, but there are certain barriers that impede businesses from ever achieving that. Despite the highly digital nature of today’s market, SEO remains to be an elusive force. The constantly changing nature of the method causes common mistakes to fester, which can cost businesses hefty amounts of money.

One of the most common mistakes is failing to take into account the relationship between SEO and web design. These two elements go hand in hand, and certain web design mistakes hinder your SEO growth.

To make sure that you make the most of your SEO efforts, here is a quick rundown of the web design mistakes you need to watch for:

Mistake #1: Using large and non-optimised images on your website

Websites thrive on images and media files, especially since consumer behaviour dictates the need for such juxtaposition. They help support the overall look and feel of your branding, but most businesses make mistakes by incorporating images that are much too big in size.

You’ll want to make sure that the media you intend to use does not affect your website’s loading time, especially since most users now access the internet on mobile devices. That said, you need to make sure that your website is as compressed as possible, with proper optimisation procedures to help you rank.

Mistake #2: Failing to incorporate a navigation menu

Users come to your website with a purpose in mind—to learn, look for answers, and experience value. For this reason, it’s important to have a functional and SEO friendly website, especially one that offers a good navigation menu. This is the perfect element that ensures usability, an unspoken service that your prospective customers will want to experience.

A navigation menu is one of the easiest and most effective ways to rank well in search engines, as this lets the algorithm know that you value customer experience. You’ll want to make sure that your navigation tools are displayed on every page of the website, creating a seamless experience your customers will love.

Mistake #3: Neglecting to invest in content

Search engine algorithms operate under a list of rules, and they’ll want your website to provide a seamless experience to users, not just when it comes to the simple details, but the large ones. That said, a website failing to invest in content is a website doomed to fail, no matter how intricately designed your pages may be. You need to provide uses with valuable information, one that attests how much they need your products and services.

That said, you’ll want to spend time creating high-quality content. This directly affects your website design and SEO campaign, as anything less than that will negatively impact your rankings. It should be primarily text-based, with good H1 tags and even better media additions.

Web Design Done by the Experts

SEO campaigns can be costly, and they require patience and dedication to succeed. Everything you invest today will be later enjoyed, but you’ll need to safeguard your methods until then. It may be difficult to pinpoint, but the simplest of mistakes can very well be hurting your SEO efforts—most especially when it comes to your web design. Keep these mistakes in mind and avoid them at all costs!

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Ross Dour / About Author

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