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A Guide: Brainstorming for Fresh Website Design Ideas

by | Nov 1, 2021 | Design, Web Hosting

A Guide: Brainstorming for Fresh Website Design Ideas

Your website influences how a customer perceives your company. Because of this notion, you may think about its aesthetics and user-friendliness. Each of these elements influences a customer’s impression of your brand as well as their buying decision. So if you’re thinking of revamping your website, you’ve almost definitely already looked for ideas online. 

Regrettably, many businesses seek inspiration from the wrong places and are inspired by out-of-date websites and concepts. As a result, here are some brainstorming ideas for coming up with fresh website design ideas. 


Consider Successful Portfolio Websites

It’s impossible to tell if a website is dated because it lacks publication dates. A good site designer will not only advise you on the newest design trends, but they will also request your feedback on what you like and dislike about the design. Starting with a list of inspiration sites established six years ago with out-of-date technologies can lead to a subpar site. 

Portfolio websites are a great place to get ideas for website redesigns. They can help you get rid of old fashion and technology. 

Because your designer will create the mockups from scratch, you will have considerably more options when investing in a custom website. While creating a template-based website, investigate the options accessible on your selected website builder platform. You have the option of using a pre-designed template or creating your own WordPress web design from start. 

Examine the Industry and Your Competitors 

One typical motivation for revamping a website is to set it out from the competitors. Examining and investigating your competitors’ websites will help you determine what makes yours unique, such as their color, design, content and messaging ideas. Take two or three rival examples to show your designer what you like and dislike about their designs, as well as your industry’s design standards. 

Expand Your Horizons

Along with competitive research, don’t be hesitant to look for ideas beyond your field of specialization. Cutting-edge fields such as technology, design and branding can serve as sources of inspiration for your creations. In these industries, web design is likely to be cutting-edge. 

Consider whether the website under consideration is in line with your company’s goals. Buyer journeys for B2B and B2C websites differ slightly. While B2C websites may have e-commerce and encourage customers to buy, B2B websites may have lengthy sales cycles and calls to action like “speak to a representative” or “get a quote.” While you can get ideas from either B2B or B2C, remember to keep your company’s goals and operational procedures in mind. 

Repositioning Your Brand

At this stage, you may find that it’s necessary to rebrand your company as part of the website redesign. Then, you should start by comparing your existing branding to that of your competitors. Gather branding ideas from competitors, non-industry sources and portfolio websites to set your business apart from your competitors. 

Branding entails more than just typeface and color; it also includes brand identity and standards. A website redesign is a great time to update your logo and brand identification. But also, keep your brand’s tone in mind while choosing colors and logo styles. Check that the color scheme you’ve chosen meets the color contrast criterion for web accessibility, and understand how to widen the color scheme by using accent and secondary colors. 

Include Animated and Interactive Elements

Modern web design incorporates movement and micro-interactions. The audience’s engagement and emotional pleasure with web pages have improved as a result of interactivity. When introducing movement into your website, though, there are numerous concerns to be aware of. 

Excessive movement can irritate and confuse your viewers, while insufficient movement can tire them out. If you own an e-commerce website or want to improve conversions, you must first decide whether the animation will help or hinder conversions. 


Getting creative is the fun part, but executing your ideas is hard work. As a result, collaborate with professionals and discuss your ideal website and interactive components with your web designer early on. This way, they can assist you in attaining the best balance for your unique, user-friendly, mobile-first and interactive website all while sticking to your original voice as a brand.  

Are you looking for website design services? BaseHost is an Australian online hosting and design firm. Our team believes in offering low-cost internet access and superb web design quality to small businesses. With us, you’ll be facing days ahead, stress-free. Contact us today!

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