There are many web hosting services available today, so it can get confusing on which provider best suits your needs and budget. To guide you in your selection, here are the critical security features you should consider when choosing the perfect web host for your...
Amazon Web Services, or AWS, was mostly regarded as a mere part of INC. Although little known, the numbers it brought completely changed the public’s opinion. For the first time in its nine-year history, Amazon revealed the AWS revenue. In the first...
You’d be surprised to know that some people don’t fully maximise the potential of their web hosting resources. Businesses need to find the perfect balance of performance and affordability to ensure they have chosen the best web hosting service for their...
Your web hosting control panel is important, so you need to choose a web hosting control panel that will suit all your needs. A web hosting control panel provides a web-based interface that will allow you to manage the hosting setup. The interface is easy to use, and...
As simple as it may seem at first glance, the process of choosing a domain name is one that most business owners and digital marketers struggle with because of how important it truly is in the first place. What’s so important about choosing the right domain...