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Top 4 Website Design Misconsceptions You Must Be Wary Of

by | Dec 28, 2020 | Design, Online Branding, Web Hosting, Wordpress

Today, people are using computers, tablets and phones more. With this, they are more likely to encounter your brand through your website first. It is for this reason that you must invest in building a professional website. Doing so helps you ensure that their first experience with your business will be a pleasant one. Aside from that, this helps you keep your business relevant and competitive.

While developing a professional website sounds like a daunting task, there’s a way for you to make things more manageable—by enlisting website design services. Doing so ensures that your website not only bears essential features but also the style and design that represents your brand.

As you take on this project, however, there are certain myths and misconceptions about website design that you must be aware of. Here are some of them:

1. “It’s Impossible to Cater to Different Audiences.”

Different generations indeed have varying preferences when it comes to design. What baby boomers may find attractive may not appeal so much to millennials and vice versa. However, this does not mean that you cannot craft a design that interests both of them.

The key is to find the areas where their preferences overlap. Then, tastefully include these commonalities into your site design to make it attractive for various age groups.

2. “Web Content Will Shine, No Matter What.”

While content is indeed powerful, it needs the right design for it to shine. No matter how compelling your web content is, if your design makes it hard for visitors to find them, they will lose their essence.

Considering this, you must be as bold as possible in conveying your message. One effective way to do this is to go for a minimalistic look. Keep other elements in your design simple so that the headline and other key texts will be highlighted. You may also incorporate images and videos to say what you want to rather than use chunks of text.

3. “The Homepage Must Contain Lots of Information.”

Some business owners believe that their website is all about them and the company. With this, they want a lot of information about the business’ history, humble beginnings, and other details added on the homepage.

However, you have to remember that your website is not about you—it should be about your target market. It should be about what you can do for them.

Rather than do an info dump, make sure that the details you add to your homepage are useful to them. If a piece of information does not help your customers use your product or service, reconsider if they do need to be included in the landing page.

4. “Having a Good Design is Good Enough.”

You may be convinced that your website design looks good already; however, you shouldn’t be satisfied with that. You must let new and fresh eyes take a good look at your online platform and share his opinion. Aside from that, you must also perform a website audit.

This comprehensive review helps you identify your site’s weak spots and areas for improvement. It also guides you in improving your website’s usability and optimizing it for conversion.


In this digital age, you need to design your website wisely to stand out from the competition. Bringing in designers to help you with this is a smart strategy. However, aside from that, you must also be wary of the myths surrounding website design. You must not fall for these misconceptions; instead, you have to educate yourself about them. Approaching this project well-informed will enable you to achieve a truly beautiful and high-converting website.

When it comes to reliable website design services in Australia, we’re the ones to call! At BaseHost, we don’t just design and host; we also provide the tools and expertise to help you run your website well. Allow us to do the same for you—get in touch with us today to get started!

Ross Dour / About Author

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